Wednesday, January 28, 2015

High Scope Curriculum

Active Participatory Learning
Children and adults learn best through hands-on experiences with people, materials, events, and ideas.  That principle — validated by decades of research — is the basis of HighScope's approach to teaching and learning.

A range of specially designed programs. HighScope's Curriculum includes components for

  • Infant-toddler care and education
  • Preschool education
  • Movement and music
  • Elementary education
  • Youth programs

Each individual program consists of a complete system of teaching practices, defined curriculum content areas for each topic and age group, assessment tools, and a training model.  The practices and content are flexible by design, easily adapted to individual needs and institutional requirements.

Proven, research-based strategies for learning. 
The HighScope Curriculum emphasizes adult-child interaction,  a carefully designed learning environment, and a plan-do-review process that strengthens initiative and self-reliance in children and young people. Teachers and students are active partners in shaping the educational experience.

The HighScope advantage: A balanced approach for young learners and the people who teach them.  The HighScope Curriculum integrates all aspects of child and youth development. Using research-validated strategies, this approach enhances each young person's growth in the foundations of academics as well as in social-emotional, physical, and creative areas.

By adopting the HighScope Curriculum — and learning to use it effectively — thousands of educators and caregivers worldwide are making a difference in the lives of children, youth, and families.

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