Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Creative Arts for Children: Art

One-year-olds recognize different qualities in music, and respond with their whole bodies to rhythm, beat and melody. Their interest in art is focused on the sensory exploration of art materials, such as paint and clay. The options for art projects at this age are limited by a one-year-old's undeveloped hand dexterity. Children this age make an important developmental leap by beginning to pretend during play, often by imitating adult movements. Here is what Art helps in toddlers.

  • Uses senses to explore what art materials can do (e.g., scribbles with jumbo crayons, uses fingers to swirl finger paint or shaving cream, squeezes oily molding dough).
  • Takes pleasure in exploring the textures of art materials (e.g., finger paints with abandon, squeezes play dough through fingers and squeals).
  • Explores basic art tools and materials (those that do not demand great manual dexterity) to see how they work (e.g., scribbles with chalk, finger paints on a tray, makes crayon dots on paper).
  • Shows a preference for particular textures and art experiences (e.g., delights in squeezing slick doughs).

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